What's up Loves!
I'm so excited to share my thoughts on the latest movie I just seen. Kicking off this short, sweet, yet funky blog I just want to say... This is my very first review on a movie (publicly) let alone blogging about it.
I don't aspire to be a film critic or anything I'm still going for the Director's chair. These are just my thoughts as a lover of raw film and digital film (shout out to ARRi and the Red cameras). Okay so now that I have all that covered.

CRED II was super LIT!! Really good in other words! I really want to just start off with my take on the story its self. I felt as if it was A. refreshing B. clever- so clever and C. inspiring. With a lot more more adjectives spread in between them. I love the idea of Creed Jr. (Adonis Johnson) fighting Ivan Drago's son Viktor Drago, who by the way was a mother freaking beast! BOOOOM! Both guys just BIG- HUGE! It makes me appreciate the realtime dedication and hard work it had to take to actually train for this movie. All the ups along with downs the story had a way of making us the audience not miss a single beat of action- every twist and turn we are there! We can connect! The fighting by the way felt so real- I was clenching in fake pain.
The Characters
Michael B Jordan "Creed's son"... I mean, it's a no brainer he killed it. He has a way to provoke emotion from you with out speaking (and for me that is on my list of favorites "of what actors can do best")! I mean really, whenever I feel myself angry at a character or in favor and have so much love for a character it brings out raw emotion (tears-lol). Which leads me to the leading lady of Creed II, Tessa Thompson. Tessaaaaaaaa aka Bianca, I mean again... she also killed it! NO brainerr. Two rr(s) so you know what's up. But on the serious tip. Amazing!! I love how she always finds a way to make the woman appear strong and supportive. She brings that fire to the screen, that fire that every strong woman posses. She is always playing someone smart which I love, we need to see more of a balance in that light of representation of the woman (black women in particular). The beauty of it all, anyone can relate and draw from such a strong & passionate character.
ROCKYYY- aka Mr. Sylvester Stallone, was absolutely fantastic. His character was well played and so exciting to watch. I mean just watching as if he is really Rocky, was nothing less than amazing- super cool. SPOILER ALERT**
I was so sad when he rolled up to the hospital after that one nasty fight and "Adonis" was all mad at him. Both characters looked so broken down and hurt. Especially Adonis (I was done)! And OMG, why did Rocky's grandson look JUST like Adrian though! (real omg moment) I'm so glad Rocky was able to connect and hopefully re build with his son. (tears)*
Mama Mary- Anne aka Phylicia Rashad honey, always the bomb.com. Love her in everything including this movie. If you need a strong mother- its always her! Always slaying like a God, that's what I call an actress honey. The whole cast in fact bomb.com. The mother of Vikor Drago however- that Bridgett bi***. She played that role! I wanted to slap her down back in her seat! *SPOILER* WARNING SKIP 2 LINES*: Had the NERVE to leave the fight early as her very own son is getting his ass whopped. Not too surprising granted leaving him as a boy... *Heartbreaking.
Overall Scale
I rate this movie a two thumbs up! (haha) No need to actually scale it. I truly enjoyed it overall with the story plot and twist with performances. I was with my boyfriend while watching this, he also enjoyed it. I recommend everyone to go see it, I think you might also enjoy it. :)
Again as always thank you for reading my blog. This was fun and I will be doing more takes on movies and such. I appreciate and love you all. Please feel free to comment or share your thoughts (your take) on Creed II below. Let's go movie lovers!
Until next time!
Peace and Love
LaLa #loveallbyla
P.s I have attached the trailer in case you haven't seen it yet. (I don't own the right of course- thank you!)